Cambridge Northpoint, LLC / NorthPoint
A New TOD/Mixed-Use Community
Location: Cambridge, Boston, Somerville, MA
Size: 5.2 MSF
Northpoint is a new transit-oriented 5.2 MSF mixed-use neighborhood on a 45-acre landlocked parcel—formerly a railroad yard—located in the municipalities of Cambridge, Boston, and Somerville. It transforms under-utilized industrial land into a vibrant and integrated mixed-use community with over 2.2 MSF of commercial space, 2,700 residences, and substantial retail to support 24-hour activities for residents, workers, and visitors. The project, which is currently under construction, includes 20 new blocks, a new MBTA station, approximately 10-acres of green space with a large central park, an extension of the Minute Man Trail, nearly one mile of new roadway and utility infrastructure, and a wide-range of public amenities.
Redgate Principals provided the following services, included:
- Studying the economic feasibility of the plan, including phasing and parking;
- Developing the master plan, including the site’s scale, character, and connection with other neighborhoods;
- Creating development guidelines for all re-development;
- Community and government outreach to secure all project entitlements in three cities in record time;
- Negotiating and collaborating with government agencies to achieve a rational infrastructure and construction and financing plan; and
- Coordinating all construction components, including buildings, street improvements, green space, and the relocation of an MBTA station.
- Created exceptional land value and sold the site returning opportunistic returns back to the initial investors.
CONTRACTOR: JLL Construction
Services Rendered
- Development Management
- Planning & Permitting Strategy
- Strategic Advisory